Monday, January 4, 2010


Today I was working on some work at home, I woke up early and the toilet over flooding so that's always fun to deal with and it just kind of set me back a bit . There's really not enough time in a day to get what you want to get done ... that's why I always end up falling asleep at at 4 in the morning, well I also cant sleep because I have a problem shutting of my brain , But anyway my friend Jeremy and I had a little adventure and took a trip to the ghetto in search of a place called CiCi's Pizza . He's from Memphis and would go to CiCi's there but had yet to find one out here in LA so todays mission was a success we made it there and back alive with my crazy driving and without being robed so I am grateful. I'm ready for tomorrow hopefully get a lot more done, Good night for now <3

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