Thursday, February 24, 2011

Legendary artists coming back ..

Artistic New Yorker Flo Fox was a legend in the 60's and 70's in her younger years a risk taker who moved to New York with the a bag of clothes and a sewing machine living with friends eventually getting a job as a costume designer at a theater in New York and was hired to do commericals . Miss Fox then moved to photography which made her a legend . She took photos which captured New York night life and in that time what was happening with change , fashion ,art , personality , and life . Fox now 65 was diagnosed with MS which has caused her her to be in a wheelchair and her fingers to stiffen and blindness in one eye, but she continues to capture images by having whoever is with her shoot the pictures for her and Fox directs the one with the camera as if she would shoot it. Miss Fox was given a second chance in remembered when she appeared in Joan Rivers documentary " A Piece of Work," Joan Rivers was delivering meals on wheels and came across Miss Fox which brought Joan Rivers to tears when she viewed an interview with Miss Fox on you tube . Miss Fox continues to post videos on you tube which she is said to have about 30 videos of her past such as interviews with famous photographers and herself being interviewed on talk shows as well. Miss Fox says ," You know my greatest loss when I became disabled?" ..... "I can't even give people the finger anymore." A great legend in her time being friends with Andy Warhol and out in the beautiful streets of New York City in such a great time Miss Fox has been brought back up in conversation and Im glade she is . There was talk of a movie to be made about her life which was forgotten about but I do hope a director and producer to re-think a script for this women who should be remembered . Miss Fox says she chooses to be Euphoric instead of depressed for battling with her disabilities .

this is based on information that I have read on Miss Fox and check out her work and story on youtube and by googling "FLO FOX"

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